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Joint ILL-ESRF Library: Publish in open access

  -Publishing in open access makes your work available for everyone, worldwide. It is part of open science. You can publish in Gold open access or in Green open access (please consult our poster)

  - To publish in Gold open access: you have to pay APCs (Article Processing Charges) or publication fees.
The ESRF-ILL Library has discounts on APCs for some publishers (this discount is applied during the publication submission when asking for Gold open access). More details can be found here.

       1. If your publication falls within the scope of Plan S from cOAlition S (funders, including the ANR): If you publish in a full open access journal, publication fees are paid by the funders. The modalities of such payments differ from funder to funder. In most cases, this is done by allowing these fees as an eligible cost in your project.

       2. If your publication falls within the scope of H2020 projects (European projects): publication fees are eligible for reimbursement during the duration of the project. The article must also be made accessible through a repository upon publication.

       3. If your publication falls within the scope of the Horizon Europe program: If you publish in a full open access journal or in a hybrid journal (*) for which there is a transformative agreement(*) (please ask the library), publication fees are eligible for reimbursement during the duration of the project. The European Research Council accepts to pay publication fees for all hybrid journals.


  - To publish in Green open access: please consult our poster

       1. If your publication falls within the scope of Plan S from cOAlition S (funders, with grants like ANR since 2021) or within the scope of the Horizon Europe program, and if you are corresponding author, you must:
           - retain the copyright on your author version
immediately deposit your author version in an open access repository like HAL.
The library can help you doing this.

      2. If your publication falls within the framework of the French Law for a Digital Republic, the author version can be made available in an open access repository like HAL with a 6-month maximum embargo period. The library can help you doing this. Before depositing, you have to ask the agreement of your co-authors, by respect of the copyright.

       3. If your publication falls within the scope of H2020 project, a 6-month maximum embargo period applies to make the author version available in an open access repository like HAL. The library can help you doing this.
As all your H2020 publications are within the framework of
the French Law for a Digital Republic (see before), you can deposit your author version 6 months after publication in HAL (for all publishers). You only must get the agreement of your co-authors.

      4. In other cases and if you are corresponding author, please send your author version to the Joint ILL-ESRF Library (for registration in Flora, the library database).


Glossary of publishing terms:

      - prepublication: version submitted to a publisher, non peer-reviewed, without layout
      - author version or post-print: final accepted version, peer-reviewed, without layout
      - final version (publisher PDF): final version published by the publisher, peer-reviewed, with layout

General glossary:
      (*) hybrid journals: journals under subscription where you pay APCs to have your publication in gold open access
      (*) transformative agreement: also referred to as transitional or “read and publish” agreements, are contracts negotiated between institutions and publishers that transform the business model underlying scholarly publishing towards a fully open access model.

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