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European Photon & NeutronScience Campus
ESRFEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility
ILL Institut Laue-Langevin
PSB Partnership for Structural Biology
EMBLEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
IBSInstitut de Biologie Structurale
ILL, 2015
PSCMPartnership for Soft Condensed Matter
  Home  >  Library  >  FAQ
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Joint ILL-ESRF Library: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the resources available at the Library?

  •  Books by topics (General, Mathematics and computer science, Optics, Nuclear physics…)

  •  E-books

  •  Electronic and print journals

  • ILL and ESRF publications

  • ILL and ESRF Thesis


2.. How can I find…?  

3. How can I borrow a book ?

  • Only ILL, ESRF or EMBL staff are entitled to borrow books from the Library. Please fill in the Registration form the first time you borrow a book and leave it at the Library entrance. You can also find a paper version of this form at the Library entrance.

  • Each time you borrow a book, you will have to fill in the loan card (inside the book) with your name and the date and leave it at the Library entrance on your way out. The normal loan period is one month.

  • The books tagged with red labels are not for loan.

4. How can I return books?

Please return books to the entrance of the Library in the tin basket or in the mailbox outside the Library.

5. Can I reserve a book?

Yes, you can reserve a book on-line or contact the librarians about it.

6. Can I borrow journals?

No, you can ONLY consult or make copies of the articles you are interested in.

7. What can I do if the document I need is not at the Library?

8. How to make a suggestion (for purchasing a book) to the Library?

Please fill in the electronic Recommend a book purchase form.

9. How can I order a book for my group?

  • ESRF staff: Please fill in the Order a book form, signed by the group head. Send the form to the Library.

  • ILL staff: Please fill in a DAI.

  • The book will be sent directly to you.

10. Why am I asked for a password to consult full text articles or commercial databases?

The full text of articles and the commercial databases subscribed by the Library can only be accessed onsite.
If you are outside, please contact the ILL or the ESRF helpdesk.

11. Can I work in the Library?

Yes, 3 computers and several desks are available.

12. How can I subscribe to the Library mailing list?

The Library mailing list allows us to keep you informed about Library news. Feel free to contact us if you would like to be added.

13. What are the Library’s opening hours?

The Library is open between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Outside this period you can still access the Library with your badge.

14. How do I contact the librarians?

Name Telephone Email


04 76 20 70 20


RIO Sophie

04 76 88 24 09

MARLIN Danielle

04 76 88 21 69



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