EPN-Campus - the joint portal of ESRF, EMBL, IBS & ILL research campus
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European Photon & NeutronScience Campus
ESRFEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility
ILL Institut Laue-Langevin
PSB Partnership for Structural Biology
EMBLEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
IBSInstitut de Biologie Structurale
ILL, 2015
PSCMPartnership for Soft Condensed Matter
English French 


Health - joint medical service and medical emergencies

The joint medical service (SMTC) is open Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.15 and 13.15 to 17.00.
The Head of the SMTC is Dr Henri DEBOIS

Contact : tel 78 71 mail : smtc(at)ill.fr

In the event of a medical emergency, please dial 12 to contact the Medical Service (phone line open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).


In the event of another emergency (technical incident, fire etc):

  • ESRF (control room): dial 10 or unhook an ESRF red phone
  • ILL/EMBL/CIBB (ILL control room) : dial 12 or unhook an ILL/EMBL/CIBB red phone

All users must comply with French safety regulations and the administrative and safety regulations of each institute. Any equipment supplied by the user must comply with the relevant French regulations. The experiment proposal should clearly indicate whether there are any particular safety requirements for the experiment, such as the use of radioactive isotopes or chemically or biologically hazardous materials.

Users coming to perform experiments should read all the recommendations carefully before they arrive, to ensure they have the time they need to prepare their experiment and get help if needed. Do not hesitate to contact the institutes' safety staff if you encounter difficulties with documents, regulations or procedures. Some procedures take several weeks or months to process.

Please refer to the specific safety pages for each institute:

Special Medical Conditions

If you wear a pace-maker or any other ferromagnetic device (artificial joint, implant, etc.), please contact the Medical Service before you enter the experimental areas. The Medical Service is situated in building ILL 4 opposite the canteen; it is open Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:15 and from 13:15 to 17:00, should you need advice or help.  
Before you leave your country, please make sure that you have the following forms:

  • E101: Any employee working in two or more countries of the European Economic Area needs to hold an E101 form. This document certifies that the holder continues to pay social security in his/her country whilst working temporarily in another EU country. This means that the holder will not be required to pay national insurance or similar contributions in other EEA countries.

Plus either:

  • a European Health Insurance Card (known in France as the “Carte Européenne d’Assurance Maladie” - CEAM), For those on detachment in France; valid for 12 months only.


  • Form E106, for those on detachment in France for over 12 months (including for the second year of a detachment initially foreseen for only 12 months).

These documents certify that the holder is temporarily affiliated to the French Social Security and is therefore entitled to medical treatment, partially or entirely reimbursed by the French Social Security, whilst working in France.

Prior to departure, the employer should contact the international relations branch of the social security system of his/her country, which will prepare and complete the forms accordingly.

You will be asked to provide them by the French Social Security in case of illness or work-related accident.

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Insurance for scientists from outside the European Union

You do not need any of the above forms, as you are not entitled to temporary affiliation to the French national health service. You should keep all invoices and receipts for submission to your own national health authorities and/or private insurance company.

ILL - Special Instructions for PF2 instrument users

We would like to inform you that French safety regulations require us to ask all users of instrument PF2 to provide a medical certificate (or an equivalent certificate from their employer) stating that they are fit to work with ionising radiation and that their state of health is regularly monitored in their home laboratory, i.e. that they are classed as Designated Radiation Workers.

The whole experimental team must make sure that they obtain the certificates before their arrival. They must hand the certificates over to the reactor security staff when being issued their dosimeter film badges.

Failure to do so means that they will be refused access to the experimental area on PF2 (reactor Level D).

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ILL users

Please refer to ILL's User Guide safety page for special instructions concerning pregnancy.

Safety and the law at the EMBL

The conditions for safety at the EMBL depend on users' compliance with the internal regulations and French law. They are based on a focus on risk prevention and a commitment to improving working conditions.

I. Essential laboratory requirements
All newcomers must receive safety training before being allowed to work in the laboratories.
All efforts must be made to avoid working alone in the labs. If this cannot be avoided, isolated worker devices must be used, to ensure that an automatic alert is given in the event of a problem.
The use of Personal Protective Equipment is obligatory in the laboratories.

II. Biological samples
a. Hazard category
French legislation of 18 July 1994 (Arrêté) provides a detailed list of pathogens with their hazard category. The EMBL does not accept biological samples from categories higher than hazard level 2.
Mammalian and human cell lines are handled in a containment level 2 (CL2) laboratory.
Special training is required for work in CL2 laboratories.

b. Obligatory declaration
The Arrêté of 30 July 2004 regulates the use of "all or part of certain agents responsible for infectious diseases or pathogenic and toxic micro-organisms". It assigns the control of genes and their products to the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (AFSSAPS). Any samples, therefore, whose source organism falls within the scope of this legislation must be declared to the AFSSAPS. Note that import and export authorisations are required.

For further information, contact the EMBL safety officer:
Kevin Karotsch, +33 (0)4 76 20 94 05

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71 avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble

Phone ESRF:
+33 (0)4 76 88 20 00
+33 (0)4 76 88 20 20

Phone ILL:
+33 (0)4 76 20 71 11
Fax ILL:
+33 (0)4 76 48 39 06

Phone EMBL: +33 (0)4 76 20 72 69
Fax EMBL: +33 (0)4 76 20 71 99


Phone IBS: +33 (0)4 57 42 85 00
Fax IBS: +33 (0)4 76 50 18 90


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