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HERCULES 20th session: 21 February to 27 March 2010

The 2009 Hercules session

XX symposium, 25 and 26 March.

HERCULES, the Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems is a five-week course for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).

It includes lectures, and tutorials, along with practicals and visits at Large Facilities.

HERCULES celebrates this year its 20th anniversary. 1600 students attended the course since 1990.
The first part of the course will be held in Grenoble from 21 February to 27 March. The applied sessions will be given at the epn-science campus.

In 2010 a special HERCULES symposium of two days, HERCULES XX, will aim to bring together the past HERCULES participants and the 2010 participants and to promote scientific exchange between them at the occasion of the 20th session of the course. During these 2 days, Thursday March 25th and Friday March 26th 2010, the scientific programme will be composed of lectures on the breakthroughs and the future prospects of the neutron and SR Science. The selected lectures will be both given by European experts and by recognized past HERCULES participants.

In order to confirm your participation in HERCULES XX symposium, you should register here before Monday 1st March 2010.

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