Archived NewsLuciano Maiani, President of Italian CNR, visits EPN campusOn 8 April 2011, EPN campus welcomed a delegation from Italy headed by Professor Luciano Maiani, President of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), the entity that funds and coordinates a major part of the country’s public research. CNR also represents the Italian interests in the ESRF and ILL Council. Professor Maiani was accompanied by the Heads of the Italian delegations to the Councils of the ILL and ESRF along with other high-ranking officials. [More on the ESRF website] How Arctic fish antifreeze proteins workNeutron scientists at ILL have discovered for the first time how ‘antifreeze’ in arctic fish blood kicks in to keep them alive in subzero conditions. The results could provide benefits for areas as diverse as cryosurgery, food processing and agriculture. [more] Understanding the magnetic glue of superconductivity at ILLNew evidence suggests fluctuating magnetic stripes are the cause of mysterious hourglass magnetic spectrum of high temperature superconductors. Colloidal Quasi-Crystals discoveredMicelles, as many other colloids, can self-assemble in aqueous solution to form ordered periodic structures. So far these structures exhibited classical crystallographic symmetries. In recent experiments at D11 with its new detector, and for the first time, colloidal water-based quasi-crystals with 12-fold diffraction symmetry have been observed. Results have just been published in PNAS. [more] A new bacterial strategy to control immunityScientists from the IBS, Pasteur Institute, INRA, INSERM and CNRS laboratories have demonstrated that Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogenic bacterium, is capable of reprogramming genes in order to activate or not the immune system. This work, published online by Science on January 20, 2011 received funding from the European Community (ERANET PathoGenoMics program and ERC). Read more Ammonites’ last meal: new insight into past marine food chainsScientists have discovered direct evidence of the diet of one of the most important groups of ammonites, distant relatives of squids, octopuses and cuttlefishes. The discovery may bring a new insight on why they became extinct 65.5 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous. [more] ESRFNEws and ILL News for users just releasedThe December 2010 ILL news issue is now online. The ESRFnews December 2010 issue is also available in a new and improved digital edition Deadline to submit your proposals: 1st SeptemberSummer is, in many countries, a quiet period when scientists can catch up with ongoing papers and work that has been slowly piling up. It is also a great time to start writing your proposals for experiments at the ESRF and ILL. The deadline is on 1 September, for both institutes: keep it in mind! Newsletters June 2010Three publications of interest to the epn campus scientists have just been released: