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European Photon & NeutronScience Campus
ESRFEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility
ILL Institut Laue-Langevin
PSB Partnership for Structural Biology
EMBLEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
IBSInstitut de Biologie Structurale
ILL, 2015
PSCMPartnership for Soft Condensed Matter
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Archive of Colloquia & Café Meetings


Thursday 19th January
Speakers : Dominic Hayward (TU-Berlin & ILL) - Nicolás Garcia (Sapienza Università di Roma)


Thursday 11th February
Speakers : Elodie Marret (ILL) - Jan David Nicolas (Universität Göttingen & ESRF)

Thursday 10th March
Speakers : Leonardo Chiappisi (TU-Berlin) - Pierre Lloria (ESRF)

Thursday 12th May
Speakers : Gemma Newby (ESRF) - Samantha Micciulla (MPI-Potsdam & ILL)

Thursday 23th June
Speakers : Mrinal Kanti Bera (ESRF) - Philipp Gutfreund (ILL)

Thursday 7th July
Speakers : Jasper Landman (Utrech Univ. & ESRF) - Judith Peters (ILL & UGA)

Thursday 20th July
Speaker : Ian Hamley (Univ. of Reading)

Tuesday 18th October
Speaker : John W. Brady (Cornell University)


Thursday 15th January
Speakers : Alessandra Luchini (Univ. Napoli) - Enrico Semeraro (ESRF)
Thursday 12th February
Speakers : Richard Campbell (ILL) - Felix Roosen-Runge (ILL)
Thursday 19th March
Speakers : Philipp Buchold (ILL & TU-Berlin) - Martha Brennich (ESRF)
Thursday 7th May
Speakers : Giovanna Fragneto (ILL) - Berta Gumì Audenis (ESRF-IBEC)
Thursday 4th June
: Frank Schreiber (Univ. Tuebingen)
Thursday 9th July
Speakers : Ida Berts (Forschungszentrum Jülich) - Rob Barker (ILL)
Friday 17th July
Speaker : Giuseppe Foffi (Univ. Paris-Sud)
Thursday 3rd December
Speaker : Brian R. Pauw (BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin)


Marco MACCARINI (UJF)  Effect of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles on Floating Lipid Bilayers

Britta WEINHAUSEN (ESRF post-doc) Scanning X-ray nano-diffraction on eukaryotic cells: From freeze-dried to living cells

Thomas DANE (ESRF post-doc) Controlling the self-assembly of conductive aniline oligomers

Federica SEBASTIANI (ILL PhD student) Nighttime Oxidation of organic surfactant at the air-water interface

Thursday 20th November – Café Meeting – SB Seminar Room, 15h00
Speakers : Irena Kiesel (ILL) - Sylvain Prevost (ESRF)





Kathryn Boast (Trainee at ESRF / PSCM) Development of PSCM web pages

Ida Berts (ILL PhD student) Structure of Hyaluronic Acid Layers

Wim Bras (ESRF) Beam induced alteration of polymers and soft materials

Suzana Straus (ILL LTV) New Insights into the Mechanism of Action of Daptomycin

Yuriy Chushkin (ESRF) Coherent X-rays for imaging

Ingo Hoffmann (Technische Universität Berlin) Structure and dynamics of a nanoemulsion system

Diego Pontoni (PSCM, ESRF) Recent interfacial soft matter results and status of PSCM agreement negotiations

Barry Stidder (TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble) Biomimetic Membranes as a novel source of electricity

Ralf Schweins (ILL) In-situ Light Scattering and SANS measurements



Orsolya Czakkel (ESRF) In-situ investigation of the structural changes of resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer gels during CO2-drying

Richard Campbell (ILL) Impact of bulk non-equilibrium effects on an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixture at the air/water interface

Prof Kazuo Sakurai (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) Small Angle X-ray Scattering from Self-Assembled Super molecules: Application to Drug Delivery Systems

Prof Isamu Akiba (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) Application of anomalous SAXS for structure analysis of polymer micelles

Erik Watkins (ILL) no title

Beatrice Ruta (ESRF) no title

Robert Barker (ILL)

Marcus Hennig (ESRF)

Adam Perriman (Bristol) Structure and function in solvent-free protein liquids

Yuri Gerelli (ILL)

Angelo Accardo (ESRF)




Aaron Eberle (NIST)

Michael Gradzielski (TU Berlin)

Dr Yun Liu (NIST)

Elena Jordan (Tübingen and ILL)

Geremie Gummel (ESRF)

Professor Gero Decher (ICS, Strasbourg)

Professor Yana Reshetnyak (Rhode Island)

Orsolya Czakkel (ESRF)

Bruno Demé (ILL)

Hanna Wacklin (ILL)

Diego Pontoni (ESRF)

Andrei Fluerasu (ESRF)

Peter Lindner (ILL)

Prof Bjørn Christensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Structure-function relationships in water soluble polysaccharides

Peter Falus (ILL)

Alexei Vorobiev (ESRF)



Audrey Schollier (ILL)

Bernhard Frick (ILL)

Mouna Tatou (ILL PhD student)

Judith Peters (UJF - ILL)

Isabelle Grillo (ILL)

Lionel Porcar (ILL)

Anna Angus-Smith (ILL PhD student)

Richard Campbell (ILL)

Francesca Natali (ILL - IOM/CNR)

Marco Maccarini (ILL)

Peggy Heunemann (ILL PhD student)

Report on JDN17

Philipp Gutfreund (ILL)

Tilo Seydel (ILL)

Miguel Gonzalez (ILL)

Ralf Schweins (ILL)

Report on ICNS2009

Hanna Wacklin (ILL)

Marcus Trapp (ILL PhD student)

Giovanna Fragneto Update on PSCM initiative (ILL)





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