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EMBLEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
IBSInstitut de Biologie Structurale
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PSCMPartnership for Soft Condensed Matter
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Inter-company transport plan "Grenoble Presqu'île"

A PDIE (Plan de Déplacements Inter-Entreprises) or "inter-company transport plan" involves a series of concerted measures to optimise commuting and work-related travel arrangements, aimed essentially at encouraging other means of transport than the private car.

The  PDIE Grenoble Presqu'île agreement brings together 17 of the institutions working on the Presqu'île Scientifique. These include, apart from the EMBL, ESRF  and ILL, ARM, Biomérieux, CEA, CNRS, CORYS, ERDF, GEG, GEM, Grenoble INP, Schneider, Siemens, ST Ericsson, ST Microelectronics, and the UJF.

The plan concerns 16000 individuals and an area of 250 hectares.

News from the PDIE

PDIE safety information

Voir et être vu !

Code de la route et de la rue

Attention aux angles morts


ESRF: pde(at)esrf.fr

ILL: pde(at)ill.fr







Other safety information (in French)

  • Eclairage à vélo : le dossier de la FUB (Fédération des Usagers de la Bicyclette).

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